Monday 23 January 2017

What a muddy bunch!

Being outside for Forest Friday is a lot of fun, we're always given a challenge to complete. These challenges involve teamwork, creative thinking and co-operation and are usually linked to another area of the curriculum such as maths, science or literacy.

We learn how to take risks safely and care for ourselves and each other.

We learn how to work as a team and share jobs to achieve a goal.

We learn how to stay dry when our teachers decide to pore water on us!
One of our favourite things about taking part is that we are allowed to be messy, to get messy and sometimes, to get other people messy too! This week was an extra messy week. After all of the snow had melted and all that rain had came down - it was up to Year 1 to find something to do with all that spare mud that was just lying around. Don't worry though. They had a plan!

We can use large equipment safely, as long as we know how to look after ourselves.

Some of us are still learning that its okay to get a bit muddy, and might need a bit of encouragement!

But it's okay, because we get our own back!

As the afternoon went on, we seemed to get dirtier and dirtier!

Some of us were certainly thrilled to see Miss Turner land in some mud!

Some of us went for a more organised mud-paint effect.

While some of us went for a "how much mud can I get on in one go" look!

Some of us were thrilled we got to mess up the teachers!

Whilst some of us tried to figure out how much mud was "too much mud".

And of course, we were disappointed when we were told that our ears were not an appropriate place to keep grass!

For some of us, the mud just wasn't enough! We wanted more mess!!!!!


One thing stays the same, our least favourite part of the day, every week however, is the dreaded face wash!!!

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